Retail Solutions

Retail Solutions

Increase your in-store traffic and enhance customer loyalty with our mobile phone trade-in concept.

All the benefits listed

  • Excellent marketing tool to increase shop traffic
  • Financial benefit for your customer
  • No additional costs for waste, but extra margin
  • Attractive compensation
  • Easy registration via the web
  • Compensation per brand/model directly available via the web
  • Possibility to register additional customer information
  • Monthly report of registrations and compensations
  • Monthly billing proposal and fast payment
  • Ecowave support in setting up promotions
  • Unified handling of discarded devices, even if there are multiple stores/branches
  • One point of contact for the entire handling of devices
  • No additional costs for logistics
  • Contribution to reducing the growth of electronic waste


How does it work?

After an introductory meeting, where we explore the possibilities together, we can quickly get started if desired. You will have access to your own online environment and can start registering devices right away.


Innovative Solutions

Ecowave works with innovative solutions and can switch very quickly. Once we have created your account, you can get started right away! In your own online environment provided by Ecowave, you can quickly and easily determine the current value of devices offered by your customers. A simple check of the device is sufficient to determine its value using the online application. You can also easily register devices yourself in Ecowave's online application.


Pickup, Processing, Fast Payment

At agreed times, Ecowave ensures that the devices are picked up from you. This is, of course, free of charge. Upon receipt at our warehouse, the devices are checked, and you receive a detailed monthly report on all registered devices. In addition, you will receive a billing proposal. Ecowave is known for its very fast payments, so you can quickly access your money.


Markting Tool

Every retailer is constantly faced with the challenge of attracting new customers to the store and enticing existing customers to return more often. With Ecowave's smart mobile phone trade-in concepts, you can offer your customers an extra attractive service that can also benefit your own revenue.


Often, mobile phone trade-in concepts are offered by retailers who sell mobile phones themselves. The value of the device your customer hands in is then offset as (additional) discount against the value of the new device. For many customers, this can be a reason to buy the new device in your store. However, in practice, it often turns out that people have phones to trade in but do not immediately need to buy a new device. You can offer these customers the value of the device, for example, as a voucher, as extra bonus points for your own loyalty program, or (partially) donate it to a charity or association. All of this is also interesting for retailers outside the telecom industry.


Support by Ecowave
Ecowave naturally supports you in promoting the trade-in concept. You can have access to flyers and posters to inform your customers about the possibility of trading in their device. By giving them a prominent place in your store, you encourage your customers to bring their old devices on their next visit to your store. Do you have a larger concept or project in mind? Ecowave is happy to brainstorm, is flexible, and is always open to new ideas to create a win-win situation together.



For many companies, including in retail, corporate social responsibility is high on the agenda. With Ecowave's trade-in concepts, you can position yourself as a green and environmentally conscious company.


Reducing the Waste Mountain
Of course, a mobile phone trade-in concept is commercially very interesting. Additionally, it's good to know that you are also contributing to the environment. Old mobile phones often remain in drawers and cabinets for a long time and eventually end up in landfills. This is not only a waste of the value of the device but also very harmful to the environment.


What Happens to the Devices?
Ecowave processes the devices - after all data, if desired, has been completely erased - and a large part of the devices (about 90%!) qualifies for a second life. This is not only less burdensome for the environment but also for people in less prosperous parts of the world. A large part of the used devices finds its way to countries that are still developing. These devices thus contribute to the growth of the economy there.


Products that are no longer suitable for reuse are collected and offered to our recycling partner who dismantles the devices professionally. About 95% of these materials can be recovered for reuse in newly produced products.